So it goes

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Lebanon and Israel. Again.

I was freaking out at dinner two nights ago. I hate the biased way American media covers all the conflicts in the Middle East. I'm super-sensitive to that because I have friends in both countries. Hence my freak out session. I'm a little bit better now. I'm so angry, and I don't know who to be angry with. Not that my anger or ability to point fingers and blame one country for starting all the problems would resolve anything. Peace within countries with a history of war needs to come from within those countries. Some American interference on either side will only heighten the conflict. Plus, I don't think I could handle my country being on one side, especially because being on one side would mean ruining the lives of someone I know and cherish.

I just started reading "The Fifth Mountain" by Paulo Coehlo. It's about the history of violence between Lebanon and Israel. Honestly, i had no idea that was what it was written about until I started reading it. And all i could think was "well this is fitting."

I hate feeling completely helpless, but that's exactly what I am right now. I watch censored media footage of Israel bombing beautiful Beirut, sending the city back 20 years again. And of the rubble in Israel, with mourning mothers and interviews with government officials, while sirens of incoming fire scream in the background.

Talked to Rachel, last I heard everyone in her family is OK. She kept saying that she couldn't believe it- she was just there a month ago. All the streets she drove down, all the mountains she saw, the entire landscape is gone. I also talked to a rising first year who told me about her sister, her family business and her grandfather who are all in Lebanon right now. I think of all my friends from Israel, who I havent spoken with in so long. And I wonder where they are, and if they are safe.

Got an email from Stephane in Morocco. Luckily he didn't take the flight to Beirut. Israel blew up the airport 10 days before he would've left. It's crazy how quickly your life can change. Or end.


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