So it goes

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Back in PA

After a crazy drive across the country, it was time to say goodbye to the west, and head back eastward. Goodbye big blue sky- where unpredicted rainstorms are silly and unheard of. Goodbye hippies in bio-diesel busses. Goodbye mountains, good by desert. Goodbye big blue pacific ocean which ate my only pair of sunglasses. Goodbye California beaches lined with surfers and college kids smoking dope and drinking beer, and lonely drunk men who only speak spanish collecting bottles after them. Goodbye strange bright plants that look like Dr. Seuess was playing god or vice versa. Goodbye solar gazing. Goodbye sunsets- the horizon in pennsylvania is full of trees, and the sky is reduced to only a third of it's size. The ground is dark thick brown and grassy. The air smells green and in august, people are already buying sweaters and jackets and long pants. A return to bars with old boarding school friends who work so hard but never seem to grow up. A return to drives through Amish country, farmers markets where people speak a different language- not spanish but a form of dutch. A return to my city, a random city full of such vibrant cultures: Mexican, Italian, German, Vietnamese, Persian, Korean, Indian, Dominican... the best food ever but a little scary at night. A return to my dogs and cats, to my family. And for some reason, it's exactly where I need to be right now.


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